robert frost

The reason i picked robert frost as my writer is because his type of almost childish, defiant poetry really makes me feel that poetry is an art form that can be utilized and performed to the same level that any other fine art form is. Previous to reading robert frosts poetry i believe that poetry was a mostly empty art form that mainly was fueled by empty words that are up to interpretation. Robert frost’s poetry has caught the hearts of many people ever since he graduated high school. His writing in many forms captured and intrigued people in ways that i want my poetry to affect people. His unapologetically meaningful writing makes it almost impossible for people to ignore him as a writer. The many ways that robert frost uses the words he has in the english language truly makes me believe that he ruled the words and the words do no control him. He bend the words he wants and all that are at his disposal to truly rule over his words and make them portray his feeling in his poetry. Simply the amount of amazing poetry made him in my opinion one of the best and freeist writers of his time.

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