write about what you don’t know

ww2 was a long time ago, but the effects are huge. if germany had won the war we would all be speaking german instead of english right now. and all of the jew jokes you ever heard wouldn’t be jokes they would be reality…….. ok jeez even saying that out loud hurt me. it’s been 80 years since the holocaust and it’s still too early to make jokes about it. the amount that it would have affected our lives is almost comical when you think about how little we think about it. like i really couldn’t care less what happened 80 years ago, i mean i understand that it is messed up, but i really never think about it unless im bored reading an anne frank novel…… hm you didnt laugh see its too f%#$%$cked up and too soon to make holocaust jokes. the only reminders that this war even happened are very few and far between……. the only people that ever talk about ww2 are either people who lived while it went on or military history majors. hah if you know what military history is you should know that no one in their right mind majors in military history. the number of people that major in military history is the same number of people that remember the amount of wars that went on during ww2… NO ONE.



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