something we know really well short story

the kid walks into the classroom and immediately winces, he’s realized that 4th period A day is the class taught by the paternal figure. he suddenly is reminded of the thing that he has been trying to avoid thinking about all day. he gets halfway through the classroom door then without a second thought jumps directly backwards and awkwardly walks away as if he had gone to the wrong classroom.  at this point his mind is moving a mile a minute trying to figure out what to do: just walk in calmly, nope, to walk the 5 hour walk back home? hrmmmmm this seems like the better option, but he knows he’s to foreboding to get away with skipping class on the first day. this quick thought process ends as quickly as it begins as the late bell suddenly rings. “waaaaaiaiiriititttt” the late bell ? somehow he had made his situation worse. he is now late to his own fathers class and will have to directly address him as he walks into the classroom late. he turns around in the hallway and without thinking walks straight into the classroom. keeping his head down he quickly finds the quickest seat. this decision he quickly regrets as he’s in the middle of the  classroom staring down his teacher, the person who was once his father. in a short jolt the kid humps suddenly realizing the predicament he had put himself in. the kid quickly decides to make the most rational decision he has made since first walking into the classroom, he simply acts as though he had never seen this random person standing in front of him. with a quick glance from the familiar, the teacher/paternal figure realizes the kids brilliant tactic and follows along. the kid begins to calm down and finds his bearings to look up and gauge the room. he looks up and is surprised to see the most nerdy group of people he had ever seen, with a couple of exceptions. the kid sits back and relaxes thinking “what do i care about the kids at this school anyways”.


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