spooky story

there are some times in a person’s life that is where you can choose to look elegant and  fall down a cliff and die or you can look awkward as fuck crawling your way up the cliff; you can choose to live in Florida or you can choose to to live in the new jersey for a while until you save up enough to live in new York. wait wait wait that was a unfair comparison….. i would much rather fall down a cliff then live in Florida….as me and my friends were exploring enchanted rock we discuss many things and experience many things including the glimpse that we had with death. we carefully pull ourselves up from the edge of the cliff the only thing that we think in that moment is how funny it is that we almost died; we were all bawling our eyes out having the time of our lives after just starred death in the face. the three of us carry  on as if nothing happened, only stopping at the occasional trip and eyeful of the 500 foot fall 2 feet to our left. we could careless though our parents wanted us to stay alive, so why would we want something our parents wanted. The only thing that we thought of as we wondered through the rocks and chasms was the freedom and exploration that we would experience for the rest of the adventure. the more dangerous things we did the more comfortable we were with doing worse things. we were like little toddlers running through and field of knives, barely missing the knives and running faster and with more intensity with every one that we passed. the moment that we see my friends parent hiking normally we suddenly knew teh free for all of danger and close calls had come to an end and we survived it. this time ……….

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